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Camille, Dalyn Novak's daughter, was on TV Feb. 22nd in the season finale of Kansas City's own Make48 tv show/design competition. This show along with six other episodes aired last week for the first time on Roku - This Old House Makers Channel.
Make48 is a design/invention competition where designers have 48 hours to create something based on a theme. For the episode Camille is in the designers are creating egg storage containers. Each episode is filmed in a different city. Dalyn's son, Cole, also makes a small appearance in the episode as well.
See the link below for a preview or "sizzle" of the 30 minute show on YouTube. Tom & Amy Gray run the show and are our neighbors. They invited Camille to be their chicken expert. Camille brought Roo, our prize winning rooster and Little Red, our prize winning hen. The Little Red Hens team named her their mascot. :)
Both birds have been shown at the county and state fairs. Roo's claim to fame was in 2021 when he won the Missouri State Fair's Rooster Crowing Contest for the most crows in thirty minutes. We officially had the noisiest rooster in all of Missouri in 2021.
If you have time to watch the link to the YouTube Make48 preview is below. Camille appears a couple of times in an orange shirt with our rooster and hen between 1:12 and 1:32.
This Old House Makers Channel (Channel #458 on Roku) will broadcast the seven competitions in a 3.5 hour block, beginning with the first episode in Wichita at 6pm CST for the next four consecutive Wednesdays - March 1st, 8th, 15th, & 22nd. The Kansas State School for the Blind, KCK - Camille's episode #7 will air at 9pm.
For those of who don't know how to watch the show (like Dalyn) you can download the Roku app on your smart TV. Then once it's downloaded click on Live TV Guide and scroll down to #458 - This Old House Makers Channel before the show airs at the times listed above. The shows will be on YouTube most likely in the future as well. Past seasons of the show can be found on as well.