May 23, 2024 12:00 PM
Rotary Youth Camp celebrating 100 years
Parkville Rotary invited guests to the youth camp celebration in Lee's Summit RSVP Required

This is a a really big event for Rotarians.  

Rotary Club 13 has a centennial celebration luncheon planned for the Rotary Youth Camp on Thursday May 23rd.  We are invited, you and the entire Parkville Rotary club to attend this event as the guests of the camp and Rotary Club 13, Kansas City, Missouri.

We believe that the Rotary Youth Camp is the oldest ongoing Rotary club sponsored project in the world of Rotary.  Your Rotary club has been a consistent supporter of our camp, and we would love to have you and your members share in this event celebrating the camps impact with us.  There will be no cost to your club members for attending. Let's help celebrate 100 years of the club’s continuous operation serving children.  

The only thing that we ask is that you RSVP the week before the event with an approximate number of members who will attend the event.